
Pursuit Conference | Rome Georgia

April 17, 2016

I don’t know if you’ve ever had that moment..the one where the second you walk into that place, you feel like you’re right where you are supposed to be? There’s a stillness and a comfort and a thought reoccurring that every detail and struggle and prayer I’ve ever prayed was preparing me for that very moment; It was a welcome home feeling. A glimpse of a future promise and a floodgate of praises flowing within me. “Can I stay forever?!” I thought to myself.

How is it possible to feel so at Home just seconds after arriving to a place I’ve never been to before? It was a feeling I wasn’t too familiar with, but I heard him whisper into the depths of my heart ” this is only a glimpse.” Eager to experience more, I went through the next few days openminded, looking for opportunities and praying for clarity in what The Lord is trying to teach me through this week here at pursuit.

If rejuvenation could be described as a location, it was here. I had never felt so at peace and restored in my life.

This place felt like a summer camp for photographers who love Jesus… seriously now, what could be better?!

Not only did I get to hear from speakers who are shaking the industry, but I got to talk with them, share a meal with them. They were real and vulnerable and just as down to earth as you and me! I will never forget the way them investing in me, made me feel.

Over the course of 4 days, I got to know so many peoples hearts and stories + build new friendships that were life-giving to the core. One of my favorite things here was meeting WHO someone was before getting to know what their profession was. It is so common that we share what we do with other people, as if that is our only identity and we have nothing else to offer.  But that is FAR from true, in reality, most people are asking to get to know your heart, who you are! not just your job title, they could find that out on their own.

Laying your walls of professionalism down from the very beginning  and simply getting to know fellow sisters in christ who share so much more then a camera in common, brought immense healing to my soul.  You see, I had prayed for this, for this very opportunity.  I was lacking the community in my life that I so desperately craved. Community with fellow christian girls who had the same desires as me. Ones who were walking the same path, that could fill me up in truth and encourage me in my craft and more importantly my walk with the Lord and that was exactly what I found! It was more than a glimpse, it was a future promise. It was an example for me to live by and it was an image of christ’s love for me. He didn’t have to answer my prayer, He didn’t have to bring me to this retreat, but I am SO thankful he did!!! Because everything about this expereience brought me closer to him. He met there, just as I was and I think this is such a beautiful example of how Christ meets you where you are! if you call on him, he will draw near. In fact, he never actually left you, he was waiting there right beside you all along with arms stretched wide, waiting for his child to run home

He is so faithful. I can’t stress that enough. It is so easy to get caught up in the now– we want instant gratification and our frustration stems from when our expectations aren’t met. I am preaching to myself when I say this, but we need to practice patience and get GOOD at it. The society we live in pushes us to do it quicker, telling us, “you aren’t being productive if you aren’t moving fast” and the sad things is, we believe it! We all of the sudden need the fasted service, the fastest food, the fastest wifi connection, the fastest check-out line. We let our entitlement of instant gratification control us and we forget how to wait and be still.  Even worse, we get so caught up in the gifts, that we forget about the Giver.  Eye opening huh? I am the first one to be guilty of this.. I get so fixated on how God can help me and bless me, that I forget that He is the one I need — NOT His gifts. He alone will satisfy and I can tell you from experience that the joy is most often found in the waiting, friends! I know this is hard. Waiting isn’t easy, especially in this day and age, but waiting allows us to put our faith into action and draw closer to our creator, the giver of ALL good things.  It is through the seasons of waiting that I get to experience who my God is and His great love for us.

I think the key to gratefulness is remembrance. Remembering all the things He has done gives us hope and courage to trust him with our future, which is ultimately His anyways.



Again, words simply do not do this trip justice but hopefully some fun behind the scenes visuals can help with that 🙂

*Enjoy some iPhone + a handful of camera shots of my time here – pictures always have a way of bringing things back to life>>


plane ride from dulles to atlanta

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Winshape. Shaping winners. winning over my heart, one chick-fil-a mint handful at a time..

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When every meal you eat was a food photographers DREAM. Seriously iPhones were whipped out left and right to document each meal because it was sooooo good and photogenic. ha!

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The Auditorium entrance where we heard from a number of wonderful leaders in the industry + worshiped our Lord and Savior together

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Sometimes I felt like I was in a castle


(Repost from @Barbara)


pretty much sums it up


walks on walks on walks


Barbara in action!


A short mile walk to the mill


spoiled by this view.


I love these new friends. Rachel and Barbara, along with many other friendships built here were a HUGE answer to prayer!! I will always treasure these memories with y’all

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What my home (for the week) looked like at night. also, not pictured but THE STARS here(!!!!) were ridiculous! I can’t tell you how many time I almost ran into something/or someone from staring up at the stars while walking around.. anyone else?!

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Now the outdoor Dinner Gathering on Tuesday night was one for the books! over 150 of us gathered around a table that felt like it went on for a mile long, to share a meal. Talk about community! Such a special memory.


See what I’m saying about this photogenic food? The struggle was real


MAH roomy for the week, Sam!! adore this girl!!!! so so blessed by our late night chats and your perspective and insight on life – you are a HUGE encouragement and I cherish you so stinking’ much. Coming to visit Canada ASAP xoxoxo


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…When dessert matches your outfit…


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Sweet Ashley, who I had the pleasure of meeting last August while her and Tyler were shooting behind the scenes footage for Hope Taylor’s workshop promo – Love chatting with you girl!  Hugs!!!Processed with VSCO with a6 preset

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(Repost @Barbara)


my “can I stay FOREVER?!” laugh… no but formal. please??

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your sunshine girl

MEET Hannah

cozying up in a coffeeshop, never missing a sunset, being my couples #1 fan

If you're looking for a hype girl to guide you throughout your portrait experience, create an atmosphere for you to feel genuinely good in your skin and want to walk away having created *core memories* with the love of your life that you'll be reminded of whenever you flip through your photos? You're absolutely in the right place, friend!


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